Do you know every administrative form, requisite, or procedure required for your particular petition? This is exactly why hire an immigration attorney is so important. An immigration attorney does. Staying current and up to date on every little change made in filing procedures or deadlines is part of their job as well.
Top Reasons Why Hire an Immigration Attorney
Total Knowledge of the Process
Complete Knowledge of the Law
The Immigration and Nationality Act is huge. It includes more than 500 separate acts. This complexity highlights why hire an immigration attorney is essential. Practicing immigration law means knowing every word, every definition, and every available option provided for by the U.S. government. Additionally, every time the INA is changed, every new procedure, policy, or requirement must be studied and understood immediately upon implementation.
You Will Know Where You Stand at all Times
Why Hire an Immigration Attorney?
Tracking your petition once it is submitted demands a lot of patience and experience with the system. If you lose track, you might miss important deadlines for responses to requests for clarification or more information. Losing track of a petition can result in delays, additional costs, or even deportation. Staying up to date on your case is our highest priority. Navigating the immigration system can be complicated and frustrating. This is why hire an immigration attorney is crucial. At the Law Offices of Grace Gomez Molinaro we complete this process for you and keep you informed every step of the way.
An Attorney Provides Continuity
why hire an immigration attorney, you will be represented throughout the entire process. Your lawyer will know your entire case, your personal history, and any extenuating circumstances relevant to your case. This will help represent your interests and defend your rights through every step of the process.
You Will Know Every Agency’s Procedure
The USCIS is a vast web of bureaucracy. Hiring legal representation will allow you to navigate this maze and be especially helpful when multiple enforcement agencies and detention centers are involved. Each has its own procedures. Your attorney will know them all.
Help with the Appeal Process
If you need to appeal a denial from a current petition, you will most likely need help understanding why the denial occurred and how to proceed. A denial can lead to removal proceedings without proper intervention, and the process to overturn is complicated. An attorney can help secure a positive outcome, and even re-open your case if possible.
Protection of Rights
Everyone has basic rights that need to be protected. Why hire an immigration attorney, you gain a powerful friend who can make sure you are treated with dignity and respect under the law. No one should be exploited or abused. Your attorney will make sure this does not happen.
Present a Mistake Free Petition
A single mistake on a petition can tie up the process for years, or even result in an unnecessary denial or deportation. An experienced attorney will get it right the first time, and you won’t have to worry every time you submit something.
Professional Standards Benefit You
Most importantly, why hire an immigration attorney, you are gaining a professional presence. Attorneys are held accountable to keep their professional accreditation and are subject to professional review. This gives your lawyer a vested interest in serving you as best they can, in all phases of your case. Otherwise, you have a place to report any issues, and you will be heard. It is easy to assume you can handle an immigration case yourself. We all know someone who has been through the process we can rely on for help. But what if your case is different, or the law has changed? Will you know enough to handle every curve ball thrown your way? This is why you should hire an immigration lawyer. Immigration cases have big consequences if handled incorrectly. Don’t just roll the dice. Hire an attorney to protect your interests and fight for the right result.